International Collaborations and University Agreements

Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs oversees the proposal submission process. This includes processing proposals and negotiating resultant grants, contracts, and other agreements.

Penn State Global

Penn State Global provides support and oversight for all of Penn State’s international engagements and facilitates the University’s many international partnerships around the world. Penn State Global’s Guidelines for Global Collaborations and International Agreements provides information on the types of collaborations between the University and international counterparts, the types of agreements for international collaborations, pre-contract planning information, and the 5-step review and approval protocol.

Types of Agreements at Penn State

Type of Agreement


Penn State Contact

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Commonly requested when two or more parties wish to enter initial discussions about specific processes, methods, or technology for the purpose of determining the potential for a future relationship.  Also known as Confidentiality Agreements, Proprietary Information Agreements, Secrecy Agreements, etc.

Office of Sponsored Programs

Inbound Data Use Agreements

An agreement restricting use or publication of data and/or impose data security measures. Used when a Penn State researcher intends to receive data from an external entity. 

Office of Sponsored Programs

Outbound Data Use Agreements

Used when Penn State is acting as the data provider and is sending data generated or collected at Penn State to an external entity. 

Office of Technology Management

Industry Sponsored Research Agreement

An agreement between Grantees and commercial entities in which Grantees receive funding or other consideration to support their research in return for preferential access and/or rights to intellectual property deriving from their research results.

Office of Sponsored Programs

Research Services Agreement

A service, such as testing, provided by the University to a partner.

Office of Sponsored Programs

License Agreement

A legal, written contract between two parties wherein the property owner gives permission to another party to use their brand, patent, or trademark.

Office of Technology Management

Material Transfer Agreements

An agreement that is required when the University is receiving research materials from another entity, as well as outgoing MTAs, where Penn State is sharing the University's research materials with other entities. 

Office of Technology Management

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

A general agreement that lists areas of possible joint activities, without creating financial obligations or committing resources. Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs) are used, often in conjunction with a MOU, to establish actual legal obligations, such as collaborative degree programs, reciprocal exchange and study abroad programs, certain research projects, or joint research centers or consortia.

Department Head

Subaward / Subcontract

Subawards are when Penn State is the grant recipient and passes funds through to a subrecipient. Subcontracts are used when a contractor is providing goods or services to the grant recipient.

Office of Sponsored Programs

Academic Research Services Order

Used when a Penn State faculty or staff member requests to use University equipment or facilities for non-University related activities.

Office of Sponsored Programs