Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO)

News and Announcements  

CATS Safety is now live! New ESCRO applications require completion of a new Biosafety protocol in CATS Safety. Contact ORP-Biosafety@psu.edu to see how to best move into the system. Find training and learn more here.


The Pennsylvania State University Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee is charged with reviewing, approving and overseeing human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research.  It ensures investigators follow the National Academy of Sciences Guidelines for hESC Research (2008 amendments) and The NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research and that all grants and/or projects meet the regulatory requirements. Although federally mandated, the ESCRO Committee is a valuable resource to the research community.  It helps scientists to comply with the hESC requirements and ensures the highest ethical standards of research are maintained.

Research Protections Policy - RP14 Human Pluripotent and Multipotent Stem Cell Research (encompassing Embryonic, Induced Pluripotent, and Adult Stem Cells)

For more information about hESC oversight and Penn State's ESCRO, please contact us at ORP-Biosafety@psu.edu.