Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Click here for IACUC News & Updates

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IACUC Announcements

AAALAC Site Visit July 22 - July 25, 2024

Effective May 15, 2024, Xylazine is considered a controlled substance in Pennsylvania. Click here to read the notice.

Click here for IACUC News and Updates

Animal Welfare Concerns?


University Park IACUC Information

  • USDA Registration: 23-R-0021
  • Animal Welfare Assurance (OLAW) #:  D16-00086 (A3141-01)
  • AAALAC Accreditation Status:  Full accreditation, Unit #001010 
  • Institutional Official:  The Institutional Official for the University is Debra Thurley, Associate Vice President for Research.


Getting Started 

New to Penn State or expanding your work to include the use of vertebrate animals or cephalopods in research, testing, or teaching? 


Getting Started with the IACUC.png


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