Required Closeout Documents

The Following documents may be required by the sponsor for official closeout of the award.

Technical Reports

  • The PI is responsible for preparing and submitting the technical reports to the sponsor. Most grants and contracts require technical report submissions during the period of performance and on a specific schedule. The requirements and schedule for these reports can be found with the award documents.

Financial Reports

  • The Research Accounting Office is responsible for submitting financial reports required by the sponsor. Sponsors may require a formal financial report on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and/or final basis. The specific reporting requirements, level of detail and frequency can be found in the terms and conditions of the award. Research Accounting may delegate some reporting to the Research Administrative units.  
  • Most federal grants require recipients to periodically submit a Federal Financial Report (FFR/SF-425) report on their grant's financial progress.
  • Sometimes Federal Contracts require a Contractor's Release and a Contractor's Assignment of Refunds, Rebates, Credit and Other Amounts which is signed by the Treasurer of the University. The form is an acknowledgement by the University that it has no further claims against the sponsor.

Property Reports

  • All federal contracts and many grants require a final inventory of equipment purchased, fabricated or furnished by the sponsor during the period of the project. Non-federal sponsors may have other requirements, and the PI is responsible for adhering to individual sponsors' reporting requirement. 
  • Periodic reports on capital items are prepared by the Property Inventory Department. Additional information can be found here.
  • For information related to reports for Government-owned property, click here and refer to section V (Reports).

Patents/Invention Reports

  •  As part of the award closeout process, the PI needs to inform their College Research Administrator whether there were any patents or inventions created from the research project.
  • This information is then forwarded to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) for the submission of the appropriate closeout report.
  • OSP verifies with the Office of Technology Management (OTM) whether there were any patents or inventions filed by the PI. Based on the information obtained from OTM, either a Negative or Positive patent/invention report is submitted to the sponsor.
  • The patent/invention report is then scanned into SIMS as record of submission to the sponsor.
  • Additional information can be found here.