Starting in Fall 2024, the research community will have one system for Researcher and University Official COINS disclosures and AC80 Conflict of Commitment disclosures. This new version of COINS offers the following benefits:
- One Disclosure Form: Users will log in to one system and access one Disclosure form that contains all the relevant questions applicable to their role at the University per policies RP06, AC80, and/or AD83. There will no longer be a separate AC80 Conflict of Commitment disclosure process via PDF.
- Integrated Prior Approval:The Prior Approval Process will be integrated into COINS, eliminating the need for separate PDF submissions.
- No More Redundant Data Entry: Users will no longer have to enter information about research projects into COINS. Integrations with SIMS IAF and CATS IRB will pull in the information about existing research projects and protocols into the new version of COINS.
Action Items
- If you disclosed significant financial interests in 2024, you may request a PDF of the information you disclosed via this form. Due to the new data model, information from current COINS disclosures will not transfer to the new system. Having a PDF of your disclosure will ensure you have the information at your fingertips when you complete your first disclosure in the new version of COINS.
- If you did not disclose significant financial interests in 2024, there is no action required by you at this time.
Further Information and Support
More details will be provided closer to the launch date. For any questions, please email You can also find information on the COINS Transformation project website.