Lee-Roy Haarhaus

  • Dive Safety Officer (DSO)
  • Drone Operations Analyst
Office for Research Protections
Unmanned Aircraft Office
101 Technology Center Innovation Park University Park, PA 16802
Phone Number: 

Job Responsibilities:

  • Operationally responsible for the scientific diving program and training of scientific divers in accordance with the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) standards.
  • Ensure all diving  and dive equipment is in compliance with Penn State, AAUS, fed and state regulations.  Facilitate and ensure safe diving operations and suspend diving operations determined to be unsafe or unwise.
  • Authority over drone operation requests conducted under the auspices of the university including flight approvals, flight education training, and risk assessment of drone operations.
  • Ensures all drone operations conducted meet applicable federal, state, and FAA regulations, rules and policies.
  • Create and deliver compliance education and training programs for the drone pilot community.



B.S., Biology at Humboldt State University

NAUI Instructor / AAUS Scientific Diver 

Merchant Mariner/ Motorboat Operator