(CLOSED) NSF 23-519 - Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)

Sponsor Name: 
National Science Foundation
Description of the Award: 

The Penn State Limited Submission Program manages the response to research funding opportunities for which a limited number of submissions are permitted from Penn State. For the NSF-Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program (NSF 23-519), each Penn State campus may submit up to four proposals, with up to two in Track 1 (Track 1 proposals are those requesting from NSF $100,000 to less than $1 million) and one in Track 2 (Track 2 proposals are those requesting from NSF $1 million up to and including $4 million) and one in Track 3 (Helium reduction).

Please note that major deadlines are occurring over the summer. If you are aware of any PIs who may be interested in the downselect, please inform them now so they can plan accordingly. Although each campus is considered an independent institution for the NSF-MRI, all applications must be submitted through the Limited Submissions site at University Park.

NSF-MRI Downselect 2024 Timeline

May 20: Internal Notice of Intent (NOI) Due (REQUIRED)

June 10: Internal Downselect Application Due

November 5, 2024: Final Proposal due to SIRO

October 15 - November 15, 2024: NSF Proposal Window

Synopsis of Program:

The Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training in our Nation's institutions of higher education and not-for-profit scientific/engineering research organizations. An MRI award supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs.

MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur. MRI also provides support to develop next-generation research instruments that open new opportunities to advance the frontiers in science and engineering research. Additionally, an MRI award is expected to enhance research training of students who will become the next generation of instrument users, designers and builders.

An MRI proposal may request up to $4 million for either acquisition or development of a research instrument. Beginning with the FY 2018 competition, each campus may submit in revised “Tracks” as defined below, with no more than two submissions in Track 1 and no more than one submission in Track 2.

  • Track 1: Track 1 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,000 and less than $1,400,000.
  • Track 2: Track 2 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $1,400,000 up to and including $4,000,000.
  • Track 3: Track 3 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,000 and less than or equal to $4,000,000 that include the purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation to conserve or reduce the consumption of helium.

Consistent with section 10320 of the "Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act of 2022" (42 U.S.C. 18998), cost-sharing requirements under section 7036(c) of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (America COMPETES) Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 1862o-14(c)) for new awards in the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program are waived for a period of 5 years, beginning with the FY 2023 MRI competition.

Please see the solicitation text for organizational definitions used by the MRI program.

The MRI Program especially seeks broad representation of PIs in its award portfolio, including women, underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities. Since demographic diversity may be greater among early-career researchers the MRI program also encourages proposals with early-career PIs and proposals that benefit early-career researchers.

Limit (Number of applicants permitted per institution): 
Sponsor Final Deadline: 
Nov 15, 2024
OSVPR Application or NOI Instructions: 

If a faculty team in your college/unit plans to participate in the internal downselect, the Principal Investigator will need to submit their Notice-of-Intent (NOI) at this InfoReady competition page to help us plan the downselect.

Applicants should complete the NOI form to include the following information:

  • Information Page to include:
    • Project Title
    • Track 1 or Track 2
    • Acquisition or Development
    • Full Contact information for PI & Co-PIs
    • A brief description of the instrumentation and general plans for shared use (< 500 words)
    • The anticipated location of the instrument (campus, building, and room)
    • Estimated budget

STEP TWO: Following the NOI deadline applicants from ALL campuses will receive information on where to submit Internal Downselect Applications by June 10 (4 PM) if the institutional limit is exceeded for that campus.

The Downselect Application will include:

  • Cover Page
    • Proposal Title;
    • Contact information of the PI and coPIs;
    • Indication whether your proposal is for Track 1 or Track 2;
    • Indication whether your proposal is for Acquisition or Development;
    • Which NSF Big Ideas does your project relate
  • Project Description (< 8 pages) that addresses:
    • The instrumentation required and why it should be viewed as a priority for Penn State (~2 pages) (Include a description of shared-use within and across Penn State, including other campuses and institutions; diversity of team and users; research training and educational uses; broader impact; and potential Industry/iCorps/IUCRCs connections);
    • How your proposal meets the NSF-MRI program goals; (~2 pages) (e.g. How would the instrumentation enable academic departments, disciplinary & cross-disciplinary units, and multi-organization collaborations to integrate research with research training?)
    • Management plan for on-going support and maintenance of the instrument (~ 1 page) (e.g., staffing, maintenance contracts, etc.)
    • The outcomes you anticipate if your proposal is successful;
    • Where do you anticipate the instrumentation will be located;
    • The estimated total cost of the project;
    • Provide the estimated cost of additional expenses not covered through the grant (for example, renovations related to installation, staffing, maintenance) listing match commitments from other sources
  • Peer Review Comments Received from prior NSF MRI submission of this project
  • Current and Pending report
    • Attach a Current and Pending Report in Compressed Format that can download from the myresearch.psu.edu portal or a completed Current & Pending Support Document (template attached to this competition)
  • 2-page current NSF Bio-sketch for all PIs and Co-PIs

Format Guidelines

  • Font/size: No smaller than 11 pt.
  • Document margins: 1.0” (top, bottom, left and right)
  • Standard paper size (8 ½” x 11)
To be considered as a Penn State institutional nominee, please submit a notice of intent by the date provided directly below.
Penn State OSVPR NOI Deadline: 
Monday, May 20, 2024 - 4:00pm
This limited submission is in downselect: 
Penn State may only submit a specific number of proposals to this funding opportunity. The number of NOIs received require that an internal competition take place, thus, a downselect process has commenced. No Penn State researchers may apply to this opportunity outside of this downselect process. To apply for this limited submission, please use this link:
For help or questions: 

Questions concerning the limited submissions process may be submitted to limitedsubs@psu.edu.

University Park Track 1: Thandazile Moyo (E&MS), Dongwon Lee (IST); UP Track 2: Rebecca Passonneau; PS Behrend Track 1: Xioashi Zhang; PS Harrisburg Track 1: Aldo Morales; College of Medicine Track 2: Keith Cheng