Disclosure Requirements for Penn State Faculty

All full time Penn State faculty, including research and teaching faculty are required to:

  1. Secure prior approval for certain outside professional activities before engaging in them.
  2. Disclose all applicable outside professional activities (both paid and unpaid). Outside professional activities are activities that are in your area of expertise but are not part of your institutional responsibilities.
  3. Disclose all significant financial interests that reasonably appear to be related your instituational responsibilities. Not sure what relatedness means? See this resource for help.


What is a Conflict of Interest?

A conflict of interest in research can occur when an investigator is in a position of influence on a research project, and their financial interests outside of the University are such that they or their family members could potentially benefit from the outcome of the research.

The University requires all investigators to disclose significant financial interests (SFI) as defined by policy RP06 in order to compy with U.S. Federal regulations, and maintain objectivity and integrity of research. See the resources on this page for more information about what financial interests require disclosure. 

  • Investigator: Any individual, regardless of their title or position, whether faculty, staff, or student, who can make independent decisions related to the design, conduct or reporting of University Research, but not including individuals who perform only incidental or isolated tasks related to a University Research project. 
  • Conflict of Interest: Any situation where a significant financial interest (SFI) has the potential to affect the design, conduct, or reporting of University research per policy RP06.

What is a Conflict of Commitment? 

A conflict of commitment can occur when your external obligations (either paid or unpaid) conflict with or appear to conflict with your institutional responsibilities. For example, participating in outside professional activities such as teaching at another institution, starting your own company, or engaging in outside consulting work can cause conflicts of time and effort. The University encourages you to participate in outside professional activities. See the resources on this page for more information about the outside professional activities that require prior approval and / or disclosure. 

Video: Overview of Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

Disclosure Overview Video.png

Difference Between Prior Approval and Disclosure

Prior approval does not satisfy your disclosure requirements. You must disclose all outside professional activities within 30 days of starting them.

Securing prior approval for an outside professional activity does not fulfill your disclosure responsibilities per policy AC80 and policy RP06. Prior approval is for activities that you plan to do while disclosure is documentation of activities that you have begun. Because sometimes plans can change, you must still disclose the activity in COINS within 30 days of starting the activity, even if the activity was previously approved.

Example: Outside Teaching During Your Appointment Period

Request prior approval then disclose in COINS within 30 days

Request prior approval in COINS before engaging in the activity. Then, disclose the activity in COINS within 30 days of starting the outside teaching.  

Example: Starting a Company

Request prior approval then disclose in COINS within 30 days

Request prior approval in COINS before filing paperwork to start the company. Then, disclose the activity in COINS within 30 days of starting the company. 

Faculty Disclosure Guide

Review the Faculty Outside Activities and Disclosure Guide to determine which activities require disclosure and / or prior approval. 

Faculty Guide.jpg