Fri, Dec. 09, 2022 - 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
HUB-Robeson Center, Heritage Hall
We eagerly invite you to our 15th annual postdoctoral research symposium! Morning sessions will address diversity, equity, agency, and mental health for postdoctoral scholars and fellows. Afternoon activities will focus on postdoctoral research sharing with a poster session and short talk competition. Monetary prizes available for both!
Principal investigators, assistant research professors, and other champions of early career researchers welcome to join!
Program schedule built with flexibility in mind so that you can select one part or many:
- 8:30 am - Breakfast
- 9:00 am - Taboo Topics with Tiffany: Negotiating and Advancing in Male-Dominated Academic Fields by Dr. Tiffany Mathews
- 10:00 am - Finding Your Voice at an R1 by Dr. Meredith Doran and Extracurricular Activities for International Scholars and Allies by Ms. Wenjie Fu
- 11:00 am - Research at the Intersection of Design, Technology and Mental Health & Best Wellness Apps to Reduce Stress by Dr. Raju Maharjan
- Noon - Lunch
- 1:00 pm - Short Research Talks (this timing may flex as final details are confirmed)
- 2:45 pm - Poster Session
- 3:30 pm - Q&A, Prize Announcements and Final Remarks by the Planning Committee
Registration is now open here.
Fall 2022 postdoctoral research symposium planning committee:
- Dr. Hugo Ayala (Physics)
- Dr. Le Shi (Civil & Environmental Engineering)
- Dr. Xuechen Zhou (Civil & Environmental Engineering)
- Dr. Jaya Mokkapati (Entomology)
- Dr. Abigail Pauley (Kinesiology)
- Dr. Jennifer Nicholas (Office of Postdoctoral Affairs)