Protocols Involving Purchasing Custom Antibodies

When using custom antibodies from a vendor, a protocol is still needed (generally a research protocol, possibly teaching); however, the research team does not need to create any procedures or substances for use in the protocol. Instead, those can be described in the protocol.  The below article describes what information related to the purchased custom antibodies must be included in he protocol and notes how staff will tag these protocols for tracking. The purpose of gathering this information is for institutional awareness, mainly to confirm the antibodies are being purchased from a reputable source.

Step-by-Step Guide

IACUC and/or Occupational Health training is not required for the PI or protocol team members when the protocol involves only purchasing custom antibodies.

Answer all appropriate questions throughout the protocol form. See specific instructions below.  

On the Experiments page:

  • Click the Add button to add a new Experiment
    • In the response to the Describe the experiment question, include:
      • The vendor's OLAW Assurance Number.
      • The vendor's USDA Research Registration Number (if applicable)
      • The status of the vendor's AAALAC accreditation and the number if it is known
      • Provide a description of how and where euthanasia will be performed
    • In the response to the Justify the purpose of this experiment question, describe how the custom antibodies fit with the scientific aims of the research
    • Click "OK" on the Experiment pop-up window

Note: Procedures and substances do not need to be created within a research team if they are being done by a vendor

On the Animal Justification page:

In the response to the Provide a rationale for using animals question, describe why animals are needed at all (i.e., why the antibodies are needed). It is not necessary to describe why the antibodies are purchased rather than produced on own.